Bently Heritage Distillery

Minden, 内华达



In the small enclave of Minden, 内华达, a mountain pass away from South Lake Tahoe, 本特利遗产开始履行农场到烧瓶烈酒生产的愿景. 这一愿景的中心是明登市中心的两座历史建筑, each over 100 years old. 它们曾经被用作谷物磨坊和乳品厂, 这两个设施需要更新和改造,以生产高纯度的烈酒, including vodka, 杜松子酒, brandy and whiskey. 为这些历史悠久的建筑配备数英里的工艺管道和设备需要高水平的技能和行业知识, which is what brought Bently Heritage to 澳门足彩app.


We put together an all-star team of architects, en杜松子酒eers, project managers, 经过认证的蒸馏大师和一系列其他主题专家来执行这个独一无二的项目. This team visited over 50 different distilleries, 啤酒厂和供应商生成流程设计和安装的行业最佳实践库. Our design scope included a dry grain conveyance system, high-proof distillation systems, spirits blending systems, casking and disgor杜松子酒g, 两个碱式CIP系统以及公用事业系统, controls and automation technology to support the process. With four independently operating distillation systems, 酿造单一麦芽威士忌和美国威士忌, 白兰地和清酒是由一个复杂的网络驱动的,其中包括超过10英里的管道, 40 miles of controls cable, 1800 valves, 80 vessels, 以及传统和非传统的老龄化环境.

In order to coordinate the design, 采购和安装所有必要的设备,以及分包商和其他参与项目执行的利益相关者, 澳门足彩app utilized a detailed Master Program Schedule, Communication Flow Diagram, and a complex Roles & Responsibilities Matrix.

Virtual 设计 & Construction (VDC) prevented costly conflicts.

这些历史建筑中管道和设备的密度使得准确性至关重要. 澳门足彩app’s Virtual 设计 & 施工(VDC)组集成了所有学科的模型,以确保在安装之前建筑和处理系统的可施工性. 利用建筑信息模型(BIM),我们分析了80多个过程 & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), 300+ equipment datasheets and 350+ process drawings. 当试图改造两个具有复杂流程系统的现有结构时,这是一项关键的节省时间的技术,可以检测潜在的冲突.


Working in tandem with the team at Bently Heritage, as well as vendors and suppliers from around the world, 澳门足彩app帮助为21世纪的基础设施注入了国家地标,这将为可持续生产树立新的标准.

  • 独特的EPC项目,将一个拥有100多年历史的谷物磨坊和乳品厂改造成一个生产多种高纯度烈酒的酿酒厂
  • Managed complex multi-partner scope with a Roles & Responsibilities Matrix
  • 设计包括干燥谷物输送的过程和物料处理系统, spirits distillation and blending, casking and disgor杜松子酒g, and CIP systems
  • Additional utilities, 控制和自动化也被添加到设计中,以支持过程系统
  • 运用建筑信息模型(BIM)协调管理80+ P&IDs, 300+ equipment datasheets, and 350+ process drawings
  • / 3,审查和处理了000多个提交文件,以便找到最佳供应商来采购项目所需的3100多个工艺设备
  • Construction installed over 10 miles of piping, 40 miles of controls cable, 1800+ valves, 500+ instruments, 70+ Stainless steel tanks, and many other elements
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  • LEED Gold Certified
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